The Trusted team have noticing recently that more and more companies are entering the Canadian (and North American) ‘local’ and not so local, online directory marketplace. Since the internet began there has aways been millions of low quality, free directories that companies get free listings on, but since Googles algorithms refined in 2011- you might have heard of Google Panda, followed by Penguin and most recently Google Pigeon, these low quality directory links have meant less and less value SEO wise. However GOOD quality local directory listings should be considered vital to local companies......
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Advertising, Marketing, Miscellaneous mumblings, Social Media |
October 2, 2014
Trusted marketing and social media marketing tips- Knowing what to promote on Facebook
The Trusted team have been recognized as being amongst the best marketers in Saskatchewan, and one of the factors to a successful marketing strategy is knowing what your audience is interested in, and also...